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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Still No Deer!

Dubya used to say "Don't mess with Texas." Well, Dubya, you can keep your little Texan pussies... here's a real beast. The island of Newfoundland where I live has only 14 natural native species... one of which is the Newfoundland Lynx, a sub-species of the Canadian Lynx. No deer before, no deer now. "Our" lynx is larger than the Canadian Lynx, and has been known to hunt caribou calves when hares are not available. These lynx are solitary and are night-movers over large territory. My father and I came upon one about 25 years ago when we were checking snares early in the morning around Birchy Lake, and it was, all at once, the most magnificent and intimidating creature I've ever seen.