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Saturday, March 7, 2009

First (real) road bike...

My first real road bike was only eight years ago... this pic is dated October 21, 2001. The little sign says "5000km", which, given our short season, I was pretty proud of. This was before the responsibilities of kiddies (which I wouldn't trade) and maybe someday my mileage will hit that number again. This is a "Small" giant OCR2, which I still use on the trainer. The only other road bike I had was bought as a teenager - a 60cm Raliegh I got on sale... way too big, but I didn't know the difference. Crashed that bike in a one-on-one with a transport truck. I figure that even though I used my face for brakes, was knocked unconscious and had short-term amnesia, I still won that fight... after all, I"m still here, and still ridin'!