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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pigzilla has fun with the Lion

I am well aware of the dangers getting to close to the Churchies, I fear mostly for my dog Bubba because he thinks he can take them on and has killed two small babies, but it is a different story with the big boys.... Just the other moon lite night I was on my way to the barn and stopped to take a leak by the rocks in the lower left of this picture.... standing there enjoying the moon while the puddle was spreading below me, Bubba being a good Labrador dog flushes out Pigzilla from the hill above me.... Pigzilla charges by right in front of me with Bubba hot on his tail.... 2 seconds later Pigzilla chases Bubba right back to me.... By now I'm trying to stuff my still dribbling six shooter back into my pants while swearing like a drunken sailor.... This must have look pretty silly to Pigzilla because he grunted and turned away.
Pigzilla wont be interrupting me anymore of my nature calls, I finally trapped the big booger last night. A large feral pig in Hawaii weighs about 150 lbs, this guy will weigh in at around 200 lbs. The close set eyes are typical of the inbreeding common among human Churchies.
His broken teeth are from sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, typical of Churchie behaviour.