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Saturday, May 17, 2008

When the fog lifts...

Fog lifted today and rode ten minutes down the road (literally) to the icebergs in my backyard. We have a really good crop this year. Three are visible in these shots, the largest getting 'grounded' right in Middle Cove. You may recognize some of the backdrop from pics sent earlier this year. Also - the Middle Cove Schtaimen (on Men's stonemen pages) was built on this beach.

These are relatively small icebergs, and we have our own words for them here. The biggest would be considered a berg, whereas the other two are smaller, and sometimes are called growlers. The growler name probably comes from the noise they make when they 'founder' or collapse. It is amazing - and undescribable - it's a combination of a thunderstorm and a rock fall... only experienced it once in my life and I am grateful for it. You can see that the largest is starting to meet its maker.

The next town to the north is called Flatrock. A number of the photographers today told me there was a berg three times the size of the largest here, and sure enough, there still is. I got some pics at twilight. Then, the zoom lens on my camera froze... will repair and send those pics too.

Ancient Ice Grouse

PS. I thought you'd also enjoy the serenity of the soaring seagulls, as well. Gentlemen, you can see why I stay living here and wait out the fog, eh?