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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Shit, shit and more shit...

Aw, shucks, a call for NewfieGrouse. These days Newfie Grouse is sepnding too much time with thar four letter word... WORK! My apologies to Da Blog; I won't let it happen again.

Oh yeah - the pics. We got more white shit! Hoooray! Not. Mother's Day chez nous was Sunday in Kanuck-land, and ma femme she didn't want to tolorate the white shit, but instead go to an indoor butterfly expedition on her day. Well, it was her day, so we went!

Note that this one little bugger needed a close-up of NewfieGrouse. I think he was on to something and was trying to either:
1) suck the Grouse out of my brain or
2) get out my new-founded MellowWerro philosophy!

Ok... so butterflies today, Icebergs soon. We've got lots of small ones around, but I was waiting for a big bastard before I sent pics... we'll see what the weather brings demain.

Butterfly-Hugging Grouse (go figure...)