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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Schtaiman at Sandy

Hi All-
Here's my Schtaiman at Sandy Lake, NL.  Pics are from two days ago, on our way home from a visit to my parents.  The lake goes for a few hundred km... longest on our island.  Note how I used Men's "straight up" Stoneman... in Canada we usually build a two-legged man Inukshuk after the native arctic Innu / Inuit tradition.  I was surprised how I could keep the stones stacking... even though my dad (not shown) kept giving me a hard time.  The gals in the pick are (left to right) my Fiona (2 years) my sister's Maria (10 years) and my Zoe (6 years).  Zoe thinks all Schtaiman are able to walk, and need walking sticks... so the last Schtaiman and this one have walking sticks, thanks to Zoe.
PS.  No blow-hole fart whales to save in this lake!  We have standards here in Canuck-land!