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Friday, July 4, 2008

Famous Training Program... not working!

My evening training program... nachos with broiled jalepenos and cheddar... and Da Grouse!  It's not getting me any fast cycling results... so I may not be like Mr. LIVESTRONG but I am certainly Mr. SHITSTRONG!  Ha Ha!
Got out for 35km today with half of it in 50km headwinds... ya, sure, the other half was tailwind, but that gets forgotten when you've had a night before of laffs, no sleep, Jalepenos and Da Grouse when eating the headwind!  I wonder what Da Tour crowd would think... I'd say I'm the ANTI-DOPER!  I live to make make myself GO SLOWER! 
We're celebrating here in Newfieland, Canada.  Seems I've bought so much Grouse in the last three years they've started bringing it back, just this week, in 40oz bottles!  No more itty bitty 26ers!  So I danced a little jig in the middle of my liquor store when I saw the biggie bottles!  Woot woot!  Had to throw out some vegetables from the freezer to make room for my renewed BIG GROUSE!
Live Da Grouse!  Live Da Blog!
Mr. Crazy Grouse
(Still with two months of holiday craziness to come!)