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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Newfie Dolphin Update

The story of the "Seal Cove dolphins" has seen world-wide attention. Here in our area, there has been great debate and anger that the "experts" wanted to sit idle, and let nature take its course. The morning before the above video was shot, on my commute to work the mayor of the town was on CBC Radio (public radio in Canada) pleading the government wildlife / environmental agenices to do something, as the combination of winds and temperatures had encroached the pack ice even closer on the dolphins, and they were doomed for sure without some type of rescue effort. The feeling in the small town (approx. 750 residents) was that it was better to do something - try to help, even if they fail - rather than simply watch the dolphins die, inevitably. There was even a town meeting called. Evidently, you see the decision that was made: If the "experts" were going to do nothing and watch the animals die, the smalltown residents would not.

There have been no news postings / updates since these last two stories. It is up for debate as to what is the true fate of the dolphins, if they managed to survive once they were allowed to get to open water.

Since the efforts shown in the video, this area of the province had another winter storm blow through. The storm with onshore winds would have sealed the tiny hole in the ice that was allowing for the dolphins to surface and breathe. Me... I'm glad the dolphins got the chance.

