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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Following Sepp's Lead...

It's been a very odd winter here, even for our maritime climate. We usually get a little more snow than much of Canada yet not as cold... surrounded essentially by water. This year - extreme cold, as in -15 Celsius one day, then what we'd call extreme warm for February, as in +8 Celsius, then back to -8 Celsius the next. So, not easy to build a rink... conditions are too variable. Also - very little snow, so it's been difficulat to "re-plant" our Christmas tree outside for the birds. But finally, we've gotten a snow-thaw-freeze, and now our tree has found new life. After the birds enjoy its shelter this winter, this summer we will use its warmth as we enjoy a backyard campfire and roast some weenies and marshmallows. Then we sparingly put the ashes thru the compost. Our Christmas tree is a symbol for what we try to do these days in our lives with our young, impressionable ladies: find a use for everything... then find a second use... and a third... and a... and a...