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Saturday, February 28, 2009


The cool cap will NOT make me play better. This Lefty can't seem to play... Maybe, a shot of juice will help Lefty sing... maybe even backup for K&Klapton with my "Sparkly Boobies" T-Shirt ... Men may remember this shirt and the uproar it caused in my classroom...

Lefty also played Club Wood Shed for about ten years. We too now just push a button and pretend we're Harry Potter ...

... Any other Grousers with their Famous Helmet on today?



The cool cap will make me play better. Maybe, a shot of
juice will help the Fender sing. The shots of you and
Adele gathering the firewood brought back lots of memories.
We did that little chore for twenty years. Now we just turn on
the gas and push a button...real wood is better.
K & K

Kurt's new favorite hat


Danke! Danke! Danke!
To the crazy Swiss Dude at "Mitcho's: HOUSE OF GROUSE"
for the way cool cap. Thanks, also, for this Apache Blessing.
To all Grousers:
May you walk gently through the world
and know its beauty all the days of your life.
K & K

save your body - schützt Eure Körperteile....

Why use men underwear?
Look the pictures and you know it.
Jetzt ist ja klar warum alle Männer Unterhosen tragen.

fashion Mann

Evolution? D-evolution?

Sometimes, like shown above, I wish we only had K&K's "Original Computer"...

... then again, we wouldn't have Da Grouser's Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag!


Friday, February 27, 2009

The Original Computer!!!!

Memory was something you lost with age
An application was for employment
A program was a TV show
A cursor used profanity
A keyboard was a piano
A web was a spider's home
A virus was the flu
A CD was a bank account
A hard drive was a long trip on the road
A mouse pad was where a mouse lived
And if you had a 3 inch floppy


You just hoped nobody ever found out!?!

K&K Schlongs

frohes paffen

... to have a glance behind the wall, click on the picture above. Jens seems to have a very relaxed time ...

Feeling better

This side of our wood shed was empty 2 days ago. It looks much better now. This is mostly alder wood (Erle in German).

Easy to split while fresh. It is white when freshly cut but turns orange by the time we get home.

Dangerous fishing in the woods

Wood cutting day 2. Rain in the night, fishing during the day? Hope my Toyota boot doesn't sink ... little Randy would have loved to play in this pool!

We made it, probably thanks to the new licence plate.

Hard working girl in "the Land of the Lord" - that's how European news call now the US of A's. All because of the religious wrongs. Thanks A's!


Green Radio in Eastern Canada

The East Coast Music Awards (ECMA) are used to showcase diverse music talent in my region of Canada, which is away from the spotlight of Toronto and Montreal in central Canada. This year there is an ECMA Radio station which is, in part, powered by BIKE POWER! Click on the photo above for a video clip describing the awards and the "Green Radio" station.

Dangerous Fishing off Newfoundland

Just as those dolphins in Seal Cove had seen that Mother Earth's waters may be unkind, 22 crew members of a Spanish trawler learned the same lesson, the hard way. Their vessel caught fire approx. 400km east of Newfoundland (supposedly they were fishing thw whole time in international waters), and sunk in near zero Celsius waters and subzero air temperatures in approximately 20 minutes. The Canadian coast guard ship Leonard J. Cowley was in the area (considering to approach the vessel with Fisheries Observers) when the distress call came out. 10 minutes after the call, the Cowley was there; 10 minutes after the trawler was gone ... shortly afterward all crew were onboard the Cowley, safe.
Glad to be a landlover, these days...


Safe Fishing in Newfoundland

Unlike the crew of the Spanish trawler Monte Galinhero in the post above, Zoe and Fiona know how to fish safely!

frohes Schaffen

Yep Men Deine Holzarbeiten sind top.
Wenn Du noch geländetaugliches (off road) Gerät brauchst hier mein Vorschlag :-)

Ich freue mich das Du reichlich Arbeit hast, aber ich schaue lieber aus der ferne zu.

....... weiter so, es macht Spass andere beim Arbeiten zu beobachten ......

happy work

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nice Junks, Men...

When I was a kid, this time of the year my Dad would cut black spruce (or whatever was in the path of his Jonsered chain-saw) and I would haul it on our Bombardier TNT-440. This snowmobile, in the '80s, was more equipped for racing (wide, short track, big motor for the time). Get this thing stuck and hit the throttle, it went straight down, trying to drill a hole through the snow and the earth.
Thanks for the blast from the past, Men... and good job of recycling fallen trees into energy. No need for Dubya's oil.

Cutting Firewood

No rain today - perfect for cutting firewood! While riding my mountain bike last week I saw that a crew was thinning up here. Adele called the Forest Service and a permit was faxed to the local office here in town.

Our first load. We really appreciate the rear roll-up door of our garage.

It makes it very easy to unload the firewood and stack it in the wood shed.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What a country Murray???

Murray bist Du wirklich Lehrer?
Ich glaube eher Bürgermeister!

Murray are you really teachers?
I think mayor!

Egal, wie auch immer. Ich war ziemlich neugierig auf das MURRAY Land und bin vorab schon mal mit dem Track durchgefahren.

Viel Spass im MURRAY Land

Battery Fix

If you have rechargeable Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries that won't hold a charge, don't trow them away. There is an easy battery fix. It will save you money and help reduce waist. Click here for instructions.

Just as in real life, it takes sometimes more that just an easy fix. All 6 of my batteries that went bad during the last months couldn't get fixed that way. I am using Craftsman 19.2 Volt Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries for my cordless power tools. There are 2 parts in the battery pack that can die. One is a thermistor which increases as temperature increases. It is about 14K at room temperature. The other one might be some kind of CIRCUIT PROTECTION. That was the main problem on all my batteries. I couldn't find a replacement so I cut it off and soldered the wires together without that part. All defective batteries are taking now a full load again after I reconditioned them. See Instructions link above.

Saved me lots of $ - 1 new battery is around $40.00


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Newfie Dolphin Update

The story of the "Seal Cove dolphins" has seen world-wide attention. Here in our area, there has been great debate and anger that the "experts" wanted to sit idle, and let nature take its course. The morning before the above video was shot, on my commute to work the mayor of the town was on CBC Radio (public radio in Canada) pleading the government wildlife / environmental agenices to do something, as the combination of winds and temperatures had encroached the pack ice even closer on the dolphins, and they were doomed for sure without some type of rescue effort. The feeling in the small town (approx. 750 residents) was that it was better to do something - try to help, even if they fail - rather than simply watch the dolphins die, inevitably. There was even a town meeting called. Evidently, you see the decision that was made: If the "experts" were going to do nothing and watch the animals die, the smalltown residents would not.

There have been no news postings / updates since these last two stories. It is up for debate as to what is the true fate of the dolphins, if they managed to survive once they were allowed to get to open water.

Since the efforts shown in the video, this area of the province had another winter storm blow through. The storm with onshore winds would have sealed the tiny hole in the ice that was allowing for the dolphins to surface and breathe. Me... I'm glad the dolphins got the chance.



Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

This is what's happening in Florence

Helau, Helau, .......... Wau, Wau, Wau

Hi Men,

nein ich bin nicht besoffen. Wir sind nur gerade in der Faschingswoche.
Also viele Grüsse vom berühmtesten Karneval in Tirol Austria.

Ich denke mir das auch in der Schweiz die Karnevals Zeit ziemlich ausgiebig gefeiert wird.
Ich hoffe Sepp hat eine lustige und feuchte Woche. Also einen Närrischen Gruß nach Trimmis.

Men, gibt es eigentlich auch eine Faschingszeit in Oregon? Genügend Narren gibt es ja überall auf der Welt.

Juchhei, Juchhei vom Narren Jens.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

On da Way I

On da Way II

Everyday's Special!

Randy: rather than a jog, I'll run your way and help spook the Churchie away. Only -2Celsius here tonight, clear and no winds to talk about:
Gotta love that 3M reflective tape... the roads here are NARROW... but I don't mind!


Hungry Maaaannnnn

Trespassing Churchie visits again

Hey Bloggers, Cheeseus loves you!

Shall we dance

Friday, February 20, 2009

I agree

Good shot eh! Reserved, deserved and locked.

Do you like the smell? It's the foretaste of Hell!

Have a nice and save trip.


Tree hugger?

Do you seez da Budhead in da right korner? Daz a Sepp Pfiffner skulpture in ma yard. I am gonna hug it now!

Ahhhh, Mitcho would let go some SwissAir but not ma. Also he told me daz not hugging, daz budding ...

Daz true Sepp?

Your blog is khuul. Did you see ma Blog?

More Winter Chores for Me, too...

Winter's not actually a chore... sure, you've got to shovel a bit of snow, but believe it or not, it's not a bad way to start a day. And picking apart a dead snowblower and then watching it work again is actually pretty cool. Then again, I am nuts. But hey: crazy... AND LOVIN' IT!

Today was the best kind of "Snow Day"... hellish weather in early AM to close the schools, then it cleared and even warmed. Perfect snow for sliding and to create two new family members. The guy on the left is your typical Canuck snowman (complete with hat from Yvette's university res and my childhood hockey stick) and the guy on the right is modeled from the BBCs "The Snowman" animated film of the 80s... There's even a cameo of Men in the video, witha bottle of his prized Calanda...


Yeahh, Winter Chores ...

Today is my day off. Friday (Freitag) translated from German means "day off" - there you go!

Ma wife said she married a child. Does black make me look younger Kathy?

A sidekick for Murray: You need to get a recumbent (small front, large rear wheel) blower. They do a bitchen job. After blowing away all that white shit you do another run and mow that green stuff short. I know some people would smoke it off.
