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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Famous Friends August Picture Show

Click here, it will take you to the August picture slide show or click anytime the link "The Famous Friend" on the top left of this page

Bike Km August

Men: 1010 Km - total 8029 Km
Murray: 744 Km - total 1910 Km
Jens: 550 Km - total 4138 Km
Sepp: 986 Km 20284 Höhameter (July, August) - total 3892 Km

german tipi

Hi Men,

what a wonder?
A Indianer Reservate in the center of my country.

Original handmade Indianer play thinks.

Ya ateeh

Workin' on the last ride of the month

Wood shed is up and ...

getting refilled with firewood. We just had some rain after a sunny morning. GONE FOR RIDING! Will post Km's later.



Aufstieg bei Jenins Heini my brother

Blick richtung Trimmis

my Horse is my bike

endlich abwärts richtung Sevis

eifach geil

Die Froschkönigin, hab sie geküsst, aber...

Abfahrt vom Fadäraschtei schüttel,


Besuch beim Kurvenoel, bald ist Erntezeit, paff paff paff

Der Herbst steht vor der Tür, die Zeit für die schönen Touren Trimmis-Jenins-Kamm-Sevis-Fadärastei-Malans-Trimmis 56 Km, 1943 höhenmeter

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Workin' on the Wheelie...

Havin' trouble poppin' the wheelie on my road bike... closest I've ever come to even seeing a roadie wheelie was at the Time Trial at Alpe d'Huez during the 2004 Tour de France... Yvette and I walked up the mountain.  Robbie McEwen apparently was not impressed with the idea of a Time Trial on the Alpe, and mockingly crossed the line on one wheel!
Here I've seen more rain; no sods; no bike; more running at night... and I'm still in denial that I have to go back to work on Tuesday...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Famous Friends in Colorado

Kurt & Kathy in Aurora, Colorado:
Thanx a bunch for the bottle of Famous Grouse! I hope you are having soon some more computer problems ...

Proscht and P-Nite!  
Dr. Grousestein

Driveway & Carport

Hard working guys I must say. If this would be my job I wouldn't have any energy for riding. Lucky me!

Reads "Graubünden - Die Ferienecke der Schweiz"
Graubünden, the vacation corner of Switzerland ...


Taking it easy with riding. I almost reached my monthly goal.
Feels good to ride in this weather. It's mild and sunny and the little wind cools you perfectly.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

No Wind - No Ride

As you can see, before we can setup our carport there's mucho other work to do. It started out with taking the wood shed down but not before all the firewood was removed.
The shed it right now going back up again, just about 5 Meter behind it's original place. Hey, taking it down was way easier und much quicker than putting it up again ... Kinda like riding downhill before going back up da hill!
Nice shots Murray. Guess your Feebay camera is paying off!

Dr. Frankenstein aka DaWestCoastGrouse

Windy Ride

A windy ride on my "routine" route today.  Tried to take some video but the wind crashed out the microphone on the camera.  The waves crashing on the rocks were quite spectacular on times. 
This is Outer Cove, the middle of three coves which are flanked by hills, where I usually go to rip my legs off on the bike.  You can see on the left of the shot, you roll in on a wondeful S-shaped descent, then right after the bridge go straight up the other side, for a long steep climb to the third "cove", called Logy Bay.  This is about twenty minutes ride from my home.  Just after this my rear derailleur shifter cable busted, trying to tell me to go home and do some more landscaping instead of cycling!  So tomorrow I will lay my bike aside and lay sods instead... much like Men, duty calls ... but we are not afraid of a bit of hard work... it makes the hard play much more meaningful for me!
Windswept Grouse
PS... still working on the wheelie...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

short ride

My rides are getting shorter. (Too) many projects at home are keeping me at work instead. Life is tough ...
WC Grouse

Wiedersehen nach fast 30 Jahren

Vor fast 30 Jahren hab ich das Bild in Griechenland an Christine in Ierapetra Griechenland verkauft.
Vor zwei Tagen bekam ich ein Mail aus Augsburg, ob ich derjenige sei der vor ca. 20 Jahren in Ierapetra war.
Man kan über das Internett wettern wie man will, es hat auch gute Seiten und ist immer für eine Überraschung
Famose Grüsse

About 30 years ago Sepp sold a painting to Christine in Ierapetra, Greece. 2 days ago he received an email from her from Augsburg in Germany asking if he's that person which was about 20 years ago in Ierapetra, Greece.
Sepp thinks the internet isn't so bad and always good for a surprise!
You can "google" sepp pfiffner and see where he shows up. I bet you know some places ...

Famous greetings
Head transplanter Dr. Frankenstein (Randy's wheelie)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Road Finds

A chrome nut. Not made in China! Why? Cause if made in China the chrome will peel off but not the "made in China" sticker ...

On da trails. Now I am wondering if Sepp is hiding in the trees ... or should I look for CarlsBerg cans?
Cheers & prost!

BBC wheelie

BBC wheelie: BIKE, BOAT, CAR wheelie

Trek Rider wheelie

That's how it's done if you are not so talented

Every baby can do a wheelie

Looks like Jessica, the doughter from Jens & Grit in the age of 1. Man Jens, every little kid can pull a wheelie. Maybe you should try it on a Specialized and not on a Trek bicycle ...

Garbage Disposal Unit

No wheelie yet, but a couple of "finds" on the road... found a St. John's City Dump magnetic "Garbage Disposal Unit" truck sign and a wrench for a Toyota... have also found $2.25 in loose change last week, which I have bought flour from and donated to the local food bank.  Best find was a plastic skull last year... at least I think it was plastic...
What stuff have you found on the road or trails?
PS.  Randy... nice wheelie!

Randy's wheelie

Yeahhhhhh! Randy did it ...


Hallo Sepp,

ich wollte schon immer mal die Schweiz besuchen, aber nun habe ich dieses Bild entdeckt.
Sind das offizielle Terrozellen?

Nur Spass!!!
Grüsse aus Deutschland.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Dubya Dubya (WW)

Water wheelie ...

Here we go

Did I say Beer machine??

NOT the last holidays for me

Jens, put your wet suit on and pull a wheely. Murray, I wanna see you wheeling on your RoadBike. Sepp, can you do a wheely on that red Swiss bike? And last but not least: Randy, pull it too. Your choice: H or H (Harley or Horse)
Let's see if we can get some wheelies together here or maybe just some funny shots from other "wheeliers"

The Last Holidays for NewfieGrouse

We don't got back to school until Tuesday (high school teachers) and then students for a half day on Wednesday to get their new classes and schedules.  We pretend to do schoolwork on Thursday and Friday, and then run away for the weekend call it the first week of back to school done.  But alas, we must return... just as I was getting my new ride rolling ...check out the new kicks!  Note that the MellowWerro hat keeps it all together... 40km road bike today (mostly in a headwind), then a 10km run tonite after the kiddies were in bed... bring on the bath and Da Grouse!

the last holidays from Jessica

on Monday the shool is back.
but Jessica and I had again many fun.

The big men do it... and the little do it also.

Zum Ende konnte ich doch noch etwas trainieren!

Fly in the lake.

We german gys wish a good time. Grüsse an die Schweizer, Amis und Canadier.