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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Grouse Ice Rink Update

Had a warm spell (above zero Celsius, with rain, even) on Christmas Day, so we lost a lot of our White Shit. Yet, with the tarp and rink boards down, the last two days of -11 to -14 Celsius have been great for flooding the Grouse Ice Rink. Went out this AM to see how my work had went with an overnight of -11, and noticed something in the back right corner...

... upon closer inspection...

Ooooooohhh YEAH! It IS the Grouse Ice Rink! Look what's growing out of the ice! (Too bad the 12 Year Old one is empty... wonder how that happened?)

Please know that I will not tell you how I flooded this rink in order to get Da Grouse to grow... I'll leave it to you all to FIGURE OUT THAT ONE!!!