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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Voted Too... In Canada!

After you watch Men's video of the American Voting Machine, take a look at the Canadian Voting Machine I used in our federal election this month. It's not too complicated. The marking device on the right (sometimes referred to as a 'pencil') is used to make a letter "X" (Elections Canada officials will help you if you have trouble making that mark, and request their help) and then all of the pieces of paper ('ballots') from each voter are privately placed in a box (oddly enough called the 'ballot box'). When the time is up for the day's election, Elections Canada counts each ballot to see the winner.... we must have a lot of fingers and toes on those Elections Canada officals, in that we don't need a machine in Canada TO COUNT BY ONES!

Leave it to American "Democracy" to f*** up a potentially good thing!

Ugh. Since the world has to put up with the American president (whoever it turns out to be), shouldn't we get a vote? Then again... I ain't going near that machine... keep your freakin' "I voted" sticker!