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Friday, October 31, 2008

over 10'000 Km

On my last double ride of this month I finally broke the 10'000 Km mark for 2008. ODO right now: 10'001 Km

Now the rain can start ...


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy B-Day Sepp in Switzerland

May you see many more moons, ride many more trails and have many more celebrations on the day of your birth!
Happy Birthday Sepp


Look Ma! No Mask!

Great day here... was able to get out for a ride without my face mask-covered... hope I don't look to scary in the flesh!

The juniper trees (a.k.a. larch) are now turning yellow/orange/reddish, so it's like there are trees afire amongst evergreen trees not afire...

Bye for now!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bonne Fete, Sepp!

Happy Birthday, Sepp, from yo Brother Bell-Head in Kanata!
In my island home we often say: "Long may your big jib draw!"
(i.e. "Long may you have wind in your sails.")


Happy Birthday Pictures, Images and PhotosHappy Birthday Pictures, Images and Photos

Sepp, allas guoti zum Geburri!

Livestrong, keep riding, get those cool Swiss posts coming and Shitstrong!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Scary Nonnyhood

Adele handed me today a full box of Nonni's! Lucky day!

The devil is in the box. Just need to turn the lid around ...


I Voted Too... In Canada!

After you watch Men's video of the American Voting Machine, take a look at the Canadian Voting Machine I used in our federal election this month. It's not too complicated. The marking device on the right (sometimes referred to as a 'pencil') is used to make a letter "X" (Elections Canada officials will help you if you have trouble making that mark, and request their help) and then all of the pieces of paper ('ballots') from each voter are privately placed in a box (oddly enough called the 'ballot box'). When the time is up for the day's election, Elections Canada counts each ballot to see the winner.... we must have a lot of fingers and toes on those Elections Canada officals, in that we don't need a machine in Canada TO COUNT BY ONES!

Leave it to American "Democracy" to f*** up a potentially good thing!

Ugh. Since the world has to put up with the American president (whoever it turns out to be), shouldn't we get a vote? Then again... I ain't going near that machine... keep your freakin' "I voted" sticker!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Copying Sepp wasn't a problem on todays ride ...

... nor mocking Murray's cold weather mask!

Yep, I do ride with tubes on my recumbent. Can you tell?

Keep laughing and shit strong! Why?

(M)ask da Men

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mahaulepu take-off

Abandoned bike on a Oregon beach. Looks like rider is swimming towards Mahaulepu.

Randy, keep watching that beach! Biker will need a ride.


End of Show

End of Show - The Bush Warriors

That's how Europe is seeing the American Heroes. Wish more people in the US would wake up!

Hello  Republicans!

Hello Christians!

Hello Rednecks!

And hello to the worst of all: Republican Christian Rednecks!

In crooks we believe


Watchin' the Waves

Amazing to watch the waves crash on the beach at Middle Cove today. Temperature was only 5 Celsius but the winds were only light... you'd never say, from the size of the waves, though!

Alien Cyclists in Newfoundland!

Warning! Aliens have been seen riding bikes in Newfoundland, Canada!

Do not be afraid... they come in good spirits... Famous Grouse Spirits!

Grouse Kiss

I think-
The opposite of "snake bite" is not "tire bubble"...

I think it is "Grouse Kiss."
Consider this:

A "snake bite" pisses you off and eats into your ride...
A kiss from the Grouse, is instead a smooth glide.

A "tire bubble"
is still trouble-
The Grouse, she is fine
in the evening time...

With troubles away
as the weekend looms
Sun in the AM-
I'm on my bike soon...

The Famous Newfie Grouse

Mahaulepu Ride

Waiting for Men to show up on his bike. Randy

Friday, October 24, 2008

Warm & Cozy Home

So cool to have a new TV ! No remote needed and no power either.

This was another project. With this more efficient wood stove we get to see the fire. It works much quiter and burns less wood.

Feels like camping on the couch! And eh, I better don't tell you how good a Famous Grouse tastes while watching channel "Fire" ...

und prost!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Opposite of Snake Bite

I was thinking what I could post as answer to Sepp's Snake bites. Shit, I was thinking probably too hard to come up with a funny post. 

This is how my rear tire was looking this morning - no kidding!

I ride without tubes as you know by now. No snake bites possible here but holy shit how do you call this?


Grüezi Sepp,

Kopf hoch Sepp.
Das Leben geht weiter.
Eine defekte Felge ist ersetzbar.
Auch ich hatte dieses Jahr einen Platten, und das mit "NoTubes" The Crow Reifen, made in the U.S.A. Nicht`s ist unendlich........

Sei froh das Du nicht gestürtzt bist und bleib gesund.
Wir sind Stark und wir sind Helden. (All the Blog are heroes)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

As wär doch a so schön !!!

Ich lass mir jetzt eine Felge aus Federstahl schmieden, denn es ist bereits die zweite in diesem Jahr.
Aber was solls man gewöhnt sich an fast alles.
Gruss und unfallfreie Fahrt

Monday, October 20, 2008

Rick the Worldstroller

I met Rick aka Frederik Fellerhoff from Germany about a month ago in Florence, Oregon. He started his World Tour with his BMW motorcycle on April 2008.

Click here for more info and enjoy!


Farbenrausch im Engadin

Biketour St. Moritz, Ospizio Bernina, Lago bianco und denn ab noch Poschiavo

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Eagle sight

86 Km's today, this Eagle kept me flying!

Scary Neighbour aka NonniKopf

border trip

Now the nature reserve, the former border.

Bike toure between the historical border east west Germany

The "Brocken" mountain 1142 meters high.
Here was the russian secret service stationed.

Here is a Border road of the east german Army.

A cornerstone, i don't know what it means

cycling greetings

Scary Neighbourhood

... and their all hooked on Nonnis!
Quick!  Run to that new garage ... it looks safe and sound!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Garage Project

Most of the work is done now! Garage door is ordered and the concrete work for the rear door is drying right now. Gutter on the left needs to be installed and some small touch up work here and there.

Will relax today and do a ride tomorrow.


Friday, October 17, 2008

almost done

The front is almost done. More pics tomorrow.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yellow Trade

Yellow Aspen in the background but wanna trade ma bike for Murray's BANANA!
