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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Life's a beach... WHAT BEACH?!?

Snow... bikes... umph. Surely you jest, Mr. Werro. Yesterday started at 5:30AM with a hour or so of quality snowblower time, to remedy the 35cms of powder that fell overnight. That was followed by two hours of repair time today.... First by me to the snowblower, then repairs by the Grouse to my soul. We don't mind up here though... we just wear our tough 7-Eleven (short sleeve) jersey and our MellowYellowWerro hat to keep it all on the straight and narrow.

Look closely... it ain't redeye...the devil is in the details... Me thinks there's a Schtaimen amongst that snow...

Cheers (many times over), Grouse Park (of the Lowlands, not Highland)