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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Colorado not Newfoundland--Honest.. 8.30,10.0, 14.00, 16.00 MST

8.30-- Oh goody! Our excuse to stay in and be even more lazy.

So cold even the spiders can't make a decent web.

10.00---Krispy Kreme donuts. Comfort food. Served with coffee or chai tea. Yum!

14.00---Just had to kid Men. Went for a very quick
walk to photograph our fossils. Ponderosa pine needles and
maple. 5 deg F. with wind chill.

14.30--Had to work off the donut. The walk was
cut short because of the wind chill. Back to
a normal Colorado winter day.

14.30 --- Reduce, reuse, recycle--- Kurt
finishes another guitar string flower
arrangement for a rock found on the beach at south jetty-Florence.
Don't throw away your strings, Men.
18.00--Now the 35 year old piece of unfinished art work
(from Marble, Colorado) comes out again--always studied on these frigid evenings. Kurt ain't no Sepp. Onto the guitar. Kurt ain't no Clapton.
K & K