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Saturday, January 31, 2009

January 09 Photo Show

First double page - click on picture and it will take you to the Famous Friends Website.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Murray lets it go - yo yo yo!

Yvette sez "Murray is the best blower". Yeahh Murray, cut the cheese or better: cut the snow, eh!

Blower envy

There, there, little Toro. Maybe, someday you'll grow
up to be as big as Murray's blower.
K & K


After the bitter cold days, finally a brisk 4.5 mi. walk up the hill
and around the neighborhood.

But when we turned around at the top of the plateau and
looked back over the city, we realized this was one of those
days that they tell old farts to not exercise outside. The
smog was awful in the valley. The moutains disappear.
K & K

Awww, sand and ice!

Another puckin' day at the beach. NO that's not the surf.
Had difficulty finding a clear spot among the goose turds
for my fat Oregon butt. Kurt declined to pose--not enough
room. 01/30/09
K & K

Hockey would be a great game... if played in the sand

Down to the beach - On a sunny day we go

Down to the beach - Where the waves and good vibes flow

Down to the beach - on a sunny day without the snow


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Et tu, Adele?

What's next? We sing on da beach:
"So fill to me the Parting Glass,
Good night, and joy be with you..."
Dubya would say "Don't mess with Texas." Well, bye bye Dubya... If he'd come after us Canucks with Pucks like he came after half of the world, he'd see I'm a better shot than Charleton Heston and his NRA cronies!
But Hey -
Don't worry Men... you'll be ok... better to get a puck in the head than to be a certain Texan Puckhead!
Dr. Murray sez: Take two Grouse and post a new Blog entry in the morning!

Caesar's shot!

Damn it, you hit my head! What now?


Heads Up, Cleopatra!

Can't ya see we're trying to play some shinny here?
I ain't no Jesus, but this Grouse stuff has me skatin' on water!

No Ball Fight

Na, can't even play snowball light. My ice rink is not frozen and the Newfie snow is called here SAND!

Photo was taken on todays ride.


Snowball Fight!

So... about 15-20cm of the White Shit fell today, now we have drizzle. Got it cleared; now time for FUN!
Heavy White Shit, great for an INTERNATIONAL SNOWBALL FIGHT!
PS. Randy, Men... you are allowed to use your freezers to make your snowballs... just make sure you DON'T TAKE DA GROUSE OUT!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Look what Beer does to you

Look what Beer does to you - stay true to your feathers - FAMOUS GROUSE! Und Prost


Hopping onto my horse and heading back home to the herd ...Yippee-Yay!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Team Penning - where's Randy

Randy, can we count on you to work with us? That crazy Swiss took this picture today while riding by in his tent.

Look at all that donation for da church on the ground.

Yes we can!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A day in the life of Randy

10 am in the morning warming up for Team Penning. A timed event of herding cattle in to a pen
Bring them into the pen at Noon
Heading back into the herd at 2 PM.
Sunday and I at 4 PM. Another Great Day!

Newfie COAST! 23.59

23.59. All ladies on deck. Grouse down below, working on Freezer Grouse and Jalepeno Training Program. Livestrong, shitstrong... most of all...
Murray ain't no Sepp (or that ice would be carved cool); Murray ain't no Clapton (or he'd play more than the lottery); Murray ain't no Men Werro (or he'd ride the stumps instead of create more stumps). We are who we are, we make our own tracks in the sand, and take care to bring care to all when we land.
It is all good. Thanks to Da Famous Blog.



Oregon Coast 16.15

Viva, Prost, HipaHipa, Cheers, Salute a tutti.

Oregon Coast 16.00

Got rain on the way home but a HOT shower with water heated by the stove copper piping made me happy again. Now a Grouse and I am happy as a mouse.

Oregon Coast 14.00

On the trails

Huh, found my wife here! Adele's the hiker and we share the trails sometimes.

Had to hurry to get on the bike while the self-timer was activ. Then crashed into the rail and knocked the camera almost down the bridge into the creek.

view towards the ocean dune

Bench NOT for midgets ...

Colorado not Newfoundland--Honest.. 8.30,10.0, 14.00, 16.00 MST

8.30-- Oh goody! Our excuse to stay in and be even more lazy.

So cold even the spiders can't make a decent web.

10.00---Krispy Kreme donuts. Comfort food. Served with coffee or chai tea. Yum!

14.00---Just had to kid Men. Went for a very quick
walk to photograph our fossils. Ponderosa pine needles and
maple. 5 deg F. with wind chill.

14.30--Had to work off the donut. The walk was
cut short because of the wind chill. Back to
a normal Colorado winter day.

14.30 --- Reduce, reuse, recycle--- Kurt
finishes another guitar string flower
arrangement for a rock found on the beach at south jetty-Florence.
Don't throw away your strings, Men.
18.00--Now the 35 year old piece of unfinished art work
(from Marble, Colorado) comes out again--always studied on these frigid evenings. Kurt ain't no Sepp. Onto the guitar. Kurt ain't no Clapton.
K & K

Newfoundland, Canada, 16.00

Four images, around 4PM / 16.00:

15.48: Cannot play on the ice all day... that tree is now down. Not a big fan of power saws, so the old buck saw brings it down. Tree was tangled in those two others, so once it was cut it had to be lasso-ed and pulled down... could've used that guy in Oregon to help!

16.08: In Da Shed, hanging out with my friend Mr. Snowblower. Supposed to get more white stuff tonight ... making sure we're prepared and good to go in the morning.

16.10: Waiting for a friend to come and share a meal at our house. Great to see that Sepp recycles his Christmas tree; I didn't take a pic but actually spent some time propping up our tree that had blown over outside; we'll put some sunflower seeds and mixed seed there, too.

16.17: Back inside; everyone's busy so I take some time to look at the Midyear Exam I'm giving my students in Grade 11 Chemistry this week.
Great fun showing our day (so far) and enjoying seeing the posts from around Da Globe!

Newfoundland, Canada, 14.45

Three images, all centred around 14.45. Grandma's getting caught up with the ladies... Carpe Diem! Great ice ... gotta skate and, as we say in Canada, "rag the puck around" for a bit! Skates, stick, ice and great tunes... Life is Good!

Newfoundland, Canada, 14.00

Two images:
13.56: Lunch done! Chocolate time! Imported from somewhere (does not say exactly where) to Quebec, then to us here in Newfoundland... they're called "Moritz Icy Squares"... maybe Suisse? I've enjoyed these since I was a boy.

14.21: Dad started to do the dishes... but realized quickly that reading books is much more fun. Mom is gone to the airport, as Grandma (my mother-in-law) is coming to visit for a few days. Maybe Grandma would rather do the dishes ;-)

Newfoundland, Canada 12.00

Three images:
11.39: Done trying to 'manage' the ice on the driveway. Want ice on the rink; not on the driveway!
11.40: Black spruce near the rink has been threatening to fall for days, is resting on two other trees, shaving bits off of them, and then it blows onto the rink. Got to bring this guy and his mess down, before it pulls the other trees down, too.
12.02: Back inside. Girls are playing with a little dollhouse and dancing to music with the disco-ball rolling. Just about to get some lunch together... if we have a good lunch, we reward ourself with a chocolate treat!