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Sunday, November 30, 2008

November Photo Show

Click here, this is the LINK which will take you to the October photo slide show or click anytime the link "The Famous Friends" on the top left of this page.

taking off

Orbit on Murray,

Message from cosmos.
My Mother Ship is also landed.
If you see a Shining point on the horizon, then please wink.

Galaktisch cool, more than 5000` er light year in this iniversum.

Space Rider

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sleepstrong Shitstrong

Jens, you are a hard worker. I know that feeling from my days at work. But hey, there's more than just reading and sleeping!

This outhouse project could be for you. Yeaaaahhhh, LIVESTRONG & SHITSTRONG!



Hi Men,

Now, I would like introduce you my projects!
First Project:
Read the newspapers until lunch.

Second and last project:
Sleep until end of work.

An average work day.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Jens, here she comes - AND THANKS!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

mother-in-law job

Hi Men,

You have a question?
Mens question,.............can I hire you for the mother-in-law job?............

Here is my answer. Watch the pictures. Is your idea?


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Recognize that Asshole!

Here's the 'actor' who is pictured in Men's "Religion" poster below...
I KNEW I recognized that ASSHOLE!



Rain water job

Jens, can I hire you for the mother-in-law job?


rain water power


You need more water pressure in your water tank
Your Solution!!!

Two double pumps for double water power.
So that you can your rain water pumps up to your mother in law.

Or, you can make in your garden a water fountain.

Blubber Blase

Winterzeit ist Spinningzeit

Magari mit däm Wetter kum ih nia uf 5'000 Km

With this weather in Switzerland I won't ever get my 5'000 Km


Monday, November 24, 2008


Murray, here's my double arch. Not related to McDonalds at all - hell no!

Setup the new gate today. Still needs some finish work done but won't take long.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lucky Penguin

Luck is when opportunity knocks and you answer


Hi Men,
For our next trip to Oregon, we bring to the bicycles.


Here is my bike

For you, men a special producing
with an special saefty seat for Tuxy

cycling post from

Randy: Please Send an Alternator!

The weather's as wet as Oregon and I'm recuperating from a flu... so down to the trainer in the basement it is. Old TV recycled from the school trash with some cyclists to chase on it, and my MellowWerro hat to keep the perspective straight.

Shame that this energy is going to waste... like a big mouse on a wheel, all this spinning for nothing... Randy: have any alternators hanging around that we can hook up to this?
PS. Jens and family... Canada welcomes you!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

tourist travel fair

we had the travel fair to "Leipzig" city
here the highlights

Information for our next trip to Canada

This should be our RV, by the nature of Canada.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dangerous Job

Working on a bicycle bag. I am not so familiar with sewing, wearing a helmet just in case ...


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New double gate

Here's my next project: a double gate which will fit on the right side of the garage. It's gonna  rain the next days so I will  not be working on this project. The weather has been mild and nice and the water tank is still full. I had to install an overflow!


No Joke

We non Germans like to eat black beans!

Hey Jens, Adele said you won't eat vegetables, you want wurst!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We germans like much vegateble salat!
We say in the Germany " Grünkohl".

What we like furthermore?
The young people bothers the adult!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Koloa Monkeypod Trees

When developers said they were going to cut down these trees in Koloa Town I was angry and sick as were these protestors! When I heard that they were going to grind up the wood to get rid of it I went to them and asked if they would let me haul some away. They gave me two days to take as much wood as I wanted.

soooo, I hauled logs all day for two days and this Friday I started peeling the bark!

then sorted and stacked the logs

and by 6 p.m. Saturday evening I was done. In the next few weeks I will be setting up a portable bandsaw mill to cut it into lumber. I would have liked to see them alive, but this beats the hell out of grinding this beautiful wood into mulch!

Balanced Lunch

Lunch-stop for this "Eichhörnchen" (squirrel) on our Inukshuk sculpture right in front of the kitchen window.


AlienCyclist stop here!

Murray from Kanata, this is THE place to do a stop over on your ride to the Oregon Coast, to the Land where Mitcho is cultivating Famous Grouse in the sand.

This Ice Hotel is located in Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, near Quebec City.

Build with 15'000 tons of snow and 5000 tons of ice. I bet there's plenty of ice to get a cool Famous Grouse on ice

Have a wonderful ride and enjoy your stay. All the rooms are naturally cooled down to minus 15 Celsius. What a cooooooooooooool place.

OC GrouseDigger

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Alien Returns for Cookies, Grouse

The AlienCyclist has returned, and considers leaving his helmet off to be aerodynamic like the Avatar posted earlier...
But then decides to keep his 'lid' on, as being hit by a transport truck once in a lifetime without a helmet was enough...

Everything is at least doubled today... two sets of booties, two tights, FOUR jerseys...

This land is grey and cold these days... 1 Celsius. The horses which used to graze around the corner are spending more time inside... sorry: no pics of them today, Jessica & Randy... If anything, could use some of those Christmas cookies for warmth and energy!

... but the Mother Ship has just called, and says that they are cultivating Da Grouse out West... Go West, young AlienCyclist! Go West!

Mitcho's Farm Work ...

Digging for GOLD ...

but found a famous bottled bird!

Paniolo and Jessica, did you ever digg for "GOLD" in your horse shit?


More for Randy and the blog

the first Xmas cookis from here.

I have cooking by myself.
Bon appétit Murray
enjoy your meal Men + Randy
Ä Guetä Sepp

Jessica`s farm working

For Randy from Jessi

Hi Randy,
thank you for the beautiful picture.
After the training I must clean the home of my horse "Honeymoon".

I do the best, but your Farm is very nice . I am pleased to see more photos.

This is ouer Turnier horse " Honeymoon". It was the last Tournier in this season.

little hourse girl