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Monday, June 30, 2008

Sepp's Beer Machine ...

Sepp, which one is your Beer machine?
She's to heavy to fly - vive le Grouse!!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Murray's Relatives

Carpentry???? We don't like no carpentry. We are teachers on vacation. All we care is doing nada and doing more nada.
Nada más trabajar!
Comprendre amigos famosos?

Los 4 "urogallos"


Even the seabirds... they LOVE DA GROUSE!
Looks like Cape St. Mary's seabird sanctuary we have here on the Rock (Newfoundland = the Rock),  must find some of my old pics of there to share.
Spent the day at groundwork and carpentry... of which I am horrible at both (sorry, Men).  Will send pics of final product should it remain erect.
NoBikeMiles Grouse

Have a BRIGHT week everybody!

This picture reminds me of Switzerland. Looks like you are high up in the Mountains and looking down to the valley covered by a fogbank.
Sepp, das xet us wiana Näbalbank wo ma hoch doba in da Bärga xe kan.

Read the Rock

Take a close look at this off shore rock.
Point your eyes on the very top area.
Can you read the dark stuff? What is it?

Bad eyes and no imagination ... is the close-up!

the german "rezession" is past

no recruits.
sausage maker!!!

more whisky

even more whisky.

happy day`s my bike friends

Saturday, June 28, 2008

more recruits?

new recruits? Check da magic ball and you will see ...


Guess Who's Got...

Guess who's got two months off... teacher, teacher!
Cheers (and I mean that!)
PS.  The LazyGrouse, who, will still get up at 6AM with the little ladies to:
- make pancakes (chocolate chip, of course)
- go to the park (swing and slide)
- go to the pond (look for baby ducks, frogs, and the osprey too)
- build a swing and playset (stay tuned... bike mileage will suffer...)
- consult Da Grouse in the PM like there's no AM (see pic)
- and do NO 'official' work! AMEN! (The hell with you, Reverend Ron!)

Even more recruits!

This COOL guy is a Snowshoe Hare... we let the dandelion grow long so he doesn't eat the carrots / peas / beans / pumpkin plants in the garden out back.
Famous Friends meets Famous Wildlife!

more cool recruits

Once you make it into DA BLOG, you cool!
Be cool and stay cool - they got it already ...

Why Men and Adele are So Happy

It's no secret:  Happiness is a teardrop trailer, a cold beer, and a smilin' couple inside... a LARGE, cold Corona, that is!  Looks like Men and Adele have found the Holy Grail on their Tour da Beach!


New Recruits!

Never leave your Famous Friends cycling stuff lying around... unless you want to have some new recruits join in the good casue!

Grouse da Beach!!

No beach = no fun

more beach = bitchen fun

gone swimming ...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Tour de Camping

no Grouse, no bread, no beer = no fun!

We want fun!

and we are having fun!

more to come - keep checking back!!!!
Da travellers

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

not german inflation, but german "rezession"

no whisky
no beer
no bread
no meat
no chocolate (marzipan)

only own harvests picked.
no cycling time,
Gartenarbeit wird verlangt!!!

gardener Jens

Monday, June 23, 2008

More Good Inflation!

Now all I have to do is go and plant the new Grouse bottles to get them re-filled!
Pumped-Up Grouse

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hardcore Swiss: 500 Km

Look at this tree! Is it too close to the road or is the road too close to the tree? Neither one, Americans are just very bad drivers ...

Furniture: my quick couch!

Today's turn around point. My bike computer showed 500 Km. Not for the day but still a pretty good week, eh?

Twin "M"

Ooops - it's Jens's fault

Jens, can you tell that I like your designer table ...

My Favourite (Pro) Suisse Cyclist

Check out ma man Fabian Cancellara:  Hard man of cycling today; won his second stage of Tour de Suisse today in his hometown; big fan of "Scarface" and nicknamed "Spartacus"; told Robbie McEwen to go home if he didn't know how to behave!  Oh yeah... and he's Suisse... Imagine!  Hardcore Suisse Riders!  Men, Sepp: a la Tour!
Respectful Canadian Grouse

You're My Inspiration!

So, a Grouse walks in to get a haircut and the girl says: "So, do you want the usual?"  So, the Grouse says, "Sure." 

... Little did Da Grouse know that she meant "Not Da Grouse's Usual... but instead The Mellow Werro Usual!"
Bald Grouse

Murray the Sea Lion

Took this picture a couple hours ago from a save distance. Did you see Murray's new Sea Lion style hair cut on the previous post? Now tell me there's no similarity!
We are all related ...

NMMG (NoMoreMilkGrouse)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Here's the Fog!

 Yo Men,
Here's your fog... should have asked long ago - we've got LOTS!
PS.  Jens, to hell with the hot water boiler; I'll take two of those tables if they come in redhead!  Cheers, M
yes, I live men!!!
I got little time, but I did work very hard!

I built for murray, a hot water tank (Boiler).

Invention or design that is protected by a patent.
Patent number 0815:-)

Für Sepp habe ich mit Unterstützung eines bekannten Möbel - Hauses eine skulptur entworfen. Keine langhals skulptur, aber eine "feminine skulptur".

and for men a special invention. The "MEN-MOUSE"
Many fun by your computer working.

self marker jens

Friday, June 20, 2008


Inflation is good, says the Grouse. I hear you ...
By the way: I hate milk!
Sepp, we like to see your "vegetable" garden
Sepp, mier wend din "GmüesGarta" xe
Murray send some fog
Jens, lebsch no?

An alli Famosa Hosa:
Häf a nais wiikend


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lässigs Tagestürli

Great to have:
- Famous Friends
- Famous Life
- Famous Wife
- Famous Cat
- Famous Grouse
- Famous House