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Monday, March 31, 2008

Bike Km März/March

Jens 449Km - total 745Km (plus 33Km running)
Men 946Km - total 2124Km (plus some F.G. drinking)
Murray 16Km - total 16.1Km (plus 4Km running & 25hrs snow shoveling)
Sepp 550Km - total 692Km (plus 6L Carlsberg & 10L Calanda)


After 112Km yesterday I did 61Km today. Na, not again no beer. Not with me and not a Carlsberg. Today I got a Calanda Bräu!
Häsch xe Sepp, as CALANDA! Viva la Grischa!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

What's under that white shit?

Murray, I don't know what you are talking about. That little bit snow, no biggy! Get your damn snow blower out and BLOW baby BLOW!
I did the same here and look at that surprise under da snow, yo!

112 Km - no Beer!

Da old Men can still ride - 112Km today and no beer, nada, nix. But a fine dinner was waiting for me and a glass full of MW spirit water. Turn it upside down and it's still MW. Gotta ride - gotta drink. Now it's time for our Famous Grouse.

This is Shit

We had a joke around here as kids:

Question: "What's that white stuff on bird shit?"
Answer: "That's bird shit, too!"

Canada, Home of the Bird Shit.

Maybe that's why I love the Grouse so much...

Note I have lots of shovels if anyone wants to come by to help clear away the stuff... you'll have to fight over who gets the yellow one.

New poll for Men to post: What is Murray listening to on his earphones?
A) California by Joni Mitchell
B) Snow by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
C) Why Don't We Get Drunk (and Screw) by Jimmy Buffett
D) Whiskey, You're the Devil by Makem and Clancy
E) W, You're the Devil by Men Werro


the personal summer - festival

Hi Murray,
Hi Men,
Hi Sepp,
come all under the umbrella.
we do party, with sunshine and
temperature19,1° Celcius ( 66,4° F ).

ich hab Fertch
Gomme nur hin (Saxon language)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Storch auf abwegen!

only the german stork likes to drink whisky (famous grouse).

Gruß Jens

Friday, March 28, 2008

Grouse on ice...

Don't need an icemaker here on the Oregon Coast. This is how it's done!
Save energy, talk to the weather gods!
Stay true to your self - be your own spirit

Grouse Snow Angels

One pair of Levi's: $45...
One TdF Jersey: $70...
Two bottles of Grouse: $53...
One high deck to fly the Grouse and make snow angels off of: $1500...

Getting "used socks" from Oregon... Priceless.

Some things money can buy. For everything else, there's menwerro.

Attitude-Head-Gear Grouse

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jungle ride

No gorillas seen, not even empty beer cans from Carl's Berg in Trimmis ...

die sehnsucht

i woud like to fly to oregon, now.
but I will come in the summer!

we see us later Jens and Family

my 9 km run

the start of the run, in the morning.

the half - time of the run, at noon.

the finish of the run, in the evening.
.........and he runs and runs and runs.............

Gruß Jens

Monday, March 24, 2008

Spuren im Schnee ...

... tracks in the snow.
Or as the locals would say:
We don't got no snow. So let's call it "Spuren im Sand - tracks in the sand!"

Ahh, what a beautiful day! Here some tracks for Sepp

and some tracks for Murray

and tracks for Jens

and tracks for all of you!
Ciao - SandMen

Getting Desparate; Now Cycling on the Moon

Looked out this AM, beautiful sun!
So I said: "F*#& the Snow! I'm Ridin'!"
Checked the weather: -1 Celsius. Not bad at all.
Got geared up... then noticed the trees swaying...
Check the fine print of the weather: -20 Celsius with windchill.

Sitting home here this evening with The Grouse, checking to see if I still have all the appendages that I started the day with.

The Loonie Grouse

Sunday, March 23, 2008

An Anatomy of a Canadian

As inspired by the YouTube posts by Men under "Murray Speaks English and French."


Canuck Grouse

apropo apropo

jetzt häts hoffentlich doch no klappt.
Spuren im Schnee ...


Johnnie who ...


Frohe Ostern

endlich die Fastenzeit ist vorbei

only 60 Km but 2 beer!

Nur noch 60 Km, dafür  2 Bier

Johnnie Walker is more

my Easter gift

it doesn`t always famous grouse!

Wer Deutschland liebt in Einigkeit, der trinkt auch mal ne Kleinigkeit.

prost Jens

Saturday, March 22, 2008

2 the Easter Grouse!

After all, it is easter and we finally found some eggs!
Viva la Grischa sotto la camicia - gotta go, ma wife is calling me!
Sepp: 61 Km und 2 Eier ...

Murray speaks english & french

Murray, thought of you when I saw this.

Sad But True

Murray get the easter blower!

Jens, no eggs under Bush. How long does it take till he is laying some after everybody has read the T-shirt?
Murray: I will lie - all fake, all doctored. No blu sky, no green lawn, no shorts, no T-shirt and no Oregon Coast "snowblower".
Where in the heck is Sepp? Building an IGLOO?

The Easter Grouse!

Hope the Easter Grouse visits and is good to you all, too, mes amis!


Happy Easter

Jessica looks for her biggest easter egg.

I wish all my cycle friends happy Easter and
many easter eggs under the bush.

good luck Jens and Family

Friday, March 21, 2008

Snowblower Crossing!

Yes, it must be rough... all those clouds! My heart just bleeds for you!
I fart in your general direction!


found clouds for newfiecyclist

I had to ride far to find some clouds for Murray but finaly I got lucky!
Jens, you might remember the dunes in the background. They call those trees here Krummholz. Not that they would know what it means ...

as you can see, the clouds are moving away (sorry Murray, don't look - there's sand, beach and blue sky)
as I kept riding I came across a famous sign at the South Jetty. Can't get rid of that damn Grouse! She slows me down every time.

Right now I am thinking to jump into the water and take a swim ...

Life's a beach - Arrrggghh for some it's a bitch

Ok ok, no more sun & sand. How about balancing some stones?

Got no stones? Hmmm, all under the snow? Ahhhhh!! Here we go, I'm gonna be IceBear.

No more ice in my fridge. All there's left is one bottle Famous Grouse ...
Where did the ice go? TO THE BEACH OF COURSE!!!!

Hi from the Oregon Coast

Arrrggghhhh! No More Beach Pics!

I can't handle seeing all that sun and sand anymore! Move that bike - fast!
No more beach pics! No more beach pics!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Not doctored, no Bushit!

No fake picture, you got the real deal! Wanna more? Here we go:

I would like Famous Grouse on ice - can you bring 
some down Murray! Can't find any ice on da beach.

IT: Information Technology

Is this what the "Information Technology" crowd call "data entry"?
Ha ha ha,

PS. Last beach image must be a "doctored" one ...lie to me if you must...
I'm up to my ass in snow, not sand... HELP! Cyclist in me will declare a state of emergency very soon!

Snow? Hell no!

Snow in Germany, snow in Switzerland, snow in Canada - HAPPY EASTER PARTY TO YOU ALL! Fröhliche Ostern Sepp und Jens! Wondering when Murray is moving to the other coast? Bring that shovel Murray, we got lots of SSSSSnow - hell no! Sand is what you need in MurrayLand. Come-on down and get it.