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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bike Km April

Jens: 560 Km - total 1305 Km (plus 22Km running)
Men: 1088 Km - total 3212 Km (plus some flying...)
Sepp: 532 Km- total 1224 Km ( sleeping 210 h, working 198 h, drinking the same like last month )
Murray: 106 Km - total 132 Km (plus many hours trying to extinguish the red lantern)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Yep, another bike and for sure the last one (as always ...) Right now I am stripping it down to its bare frame so I can build up a purists bike with no shocks at all which will help distill the off-road experience to its core simplicity.
Keep watching - I will be flying again!!

Monday, April 28, 2008


Gentlemen, no more broken or wet wings. Today we were flying! Set a new personal Record - fassssster than last years overall record in September! Average speed was 35.4 Km/h, average heart rate 163. Must be the Famous Grouse Doping.
Thanks friends - the blog is FAMOUS and it keeps me going! I lost 5 Kg since drinking and riding this year. Sometimes less is more.
YellowMellow on da Velo

Sunday, April 27, 2008

I ride bike with my son Jonas

it's famous and the best what yu kan do !!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

put some snap on my ride

reminded me of Murray's address ...

little tree - big bike?

family cycling

to begining I have a dream

than the bike ride

and finish with babecue
one pieces of sausage for sepp.
one pieces of sausage for jens.
one pieces of steak for murray, and
one mediteran baguette (vegetarian) for men.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Not a day to fly, Canadian Version

This guy's not flying... ambled down the cul-de-sac across the road in the AM; showed up again on our back lawn and watched me do the dishes in the PM.

Been bitten by the flu bug; hope to get on the bike this weekend and get some pics of the icebergs floating by my bike routes on the coast.

Heavily Medicated (with) Grouse

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Not a day to fly ...

Calanda, Famos Grouse............

Calanda, Famous Grouse, as schifft,
Calanda, Famous Grouse, as chifft immer no
Calanda, Famous Grouse, as haglet Katza,
Calanda, Famous Grouse dussa schiffts, as haglet Kameler, Kälber und Biker,
aber zläba isch soschöööööhhhhnn.